9:30- Hey this party won't be too bad and I am sure my friends didn't invite me just to be their DD. It won't be as bad as last time. I won't just stand in the corner while everyone dances. And I am pretty sure no drunk guy will try to make out with me, I mean how many times can that happen, I don't care if my face has a lot of feminine features.
9:35- I know no one here.
9:36- Where did my friends go?
9:45- Why is this guy calling me gay for not drinking? I don't even know him.
10:05- How many different slurs for gay does this guy know?
10: 15- I wonder if I can convince Jim to drink for me in beer pong. I have known that guy since grade school, he has to have my back.
10:30- I didn't know Jim knew so many slurs for gay.
10:45- I should go find a corner to stand in.
11:15- I feel so safe in this corner.
11:23- Those people are staring at me because I have been in this corner for so long. I should find a new corner.
11: 42- I don't like this corner as much.
11:50- I should have just stayed home tonight and watched the Star Wars marathon on Spike.
11:53- I'm thirsty, I wonder if there is any soda here?
11: 59- Really, there are like 800 beers here and not a single soda.
12:10- Wow is this hot chick really hitting on me? She must be really drunk.
12:13- If I hooked up with her when I am sober, would it be wrong? What if I just give her my number and wait till she is sober to- Oh wow she is already making out with that other guy.
12:17- I want to go. Where the hell are my friends?
12:20- That one girl has said every song is her favorite song. I hate her.
12:21- That one guy takes off his shirt every chance he gets. I hate him.
12:22- I so am filled with hate.
12:30- I gotta get out of here. I am so lonely.
12:45- Ok found my friends. Time to go. Oh shit "I love college" just came on, now we are never going to leave.
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